HadCRUT3 time series
■Column 1 is the date.
■Column 2 is the best estimate anomaly. (For the current year this
will be the average for the year so far. The latest month that has been
processed will appear in the monthly files).
■Columns 3 and 4 are the upper and lower 95% uncertainty ranges from
the station and grid-box sampling uncertainties.
■Columns 5 and 6 are the upper and lower 95% uncertainty ranges from
the coverage uncertainties.
■Columns 7 and 8 are the upper and lower 95% uncertainty ranges from
the bias uncertainties.
■Columns 9 and 10 are the upper and lower 95% uncertainty ranges from
the combined station and grid-box sampling, and coverage uncertainties.
■Columns 11 and 12 are the upper and lower 95% uncertainty ranges
from the combined effects of all the uncertainties.
PRO FIGURE_DRAW, time, data, high_error, low_error, xtitle, ytitle, title, position
CGDISPLAY, 600, 500, Title='Error Estimate Plot'
; Draw the line plot with no data
CGPLOT, time, data, Title=title, XTitle=xtitle, YTitle=ytitle, $
Position=position, /NoData, YRange=[-0.8, 0.8], YStyle=1, xstyle=1 $
, xminor = 10, yminor = 8, YTICKINTERVAL = 0.4, XTICKINTERVAL = 20
; Fill in the error estimates.
CGCOLORFILL, [time, REVERSE(time), time[0]], $
[high_error, REVERSE(low_error), high_error[0]], $
Color=CGCOLOR('Light Gray')
CGPLOT, time, high_error, OVERPLOT=1, LINESTYLE =1, thick = 2
CGPLOT, time, low_error, OVERPLOT=1, LINESTYLE =1, thick = 2
; Draw the line plot with no data
CGPLOTS, time, data, Color='black', PSym=-16, SymColor='black', $
SymSize=0.6, Thick=1
filename = 'annual';
data = READ_ASCII(filename,DATA_START=1)
data = data.(0)
time = data[0,*];
time = REFORM(time,N_ELEMENTS(time));
high_error = data[11,*]
high_error = REFORM(high_error,N_ELEMENTS(high_error));
low_error = data[10,*]
low_error = REFORM(low_error,N_ELEMENTS(low_error));
data = data[1,*];
; Set up variables for the plot. Normally, these values would be
; passed into the program as positional and keyword parameters.
xtitle = 'Year'
ytitle = 'Departure of Surface Temperature(!Eo!NC)'
title = 'Changes in Surface Temperature'
position = [0.125, 0.125, 0.9, 0.925]
FIGURE_DRAW, time, data, high_error, low_error, xtitle, ytitle, title, position